




文山机芯洗油积家He had earned 锟 in pron, which sum had been placed with the Church Army for h benefit. Neither the Church Army nor the Salvation Army could find or give him any employment, and the 锟 was soon spent. I saw much of him, and watched him closely, for he interested me. When he was quite penniless and apparently hopeless, I obtained work for him with a local tradesman, for which he was to receive 锟 weekly, but was required to do a certain amount of work every day for I was anxious for him to have regular[Pg 38] work, and to be able to earn sufficient for h need, but no more. I also agreed to find or procure sufficient work to keep him going. Th arrangement seemed likely to prosper, and I felt some hope. There was no sign of repentance to be observed in him, neither was he in the least ashamed of h past indeed, he seemed to think, like a good many other ex-convicts, that it was the duty of the community to help him and compensate him for the years he had spent in pron. I soon had cause for suspicion, but kept silent, till one day I saw him with something that he could not possibly have purchased. I told him that I should warn the police. He did not deny the impeachment, but he wanted to argue the matter, and seemed to believe that in some way or other h conduct was justifiable.

Within a fortnight from the time of th conversation he was again in the hands of the police, who charged him with attempted burglary, and once more he went back to penal servitude. He has not written to me I hope he will not write. I confess myself hopeless with such men. The chances of their reformation are almost nil, and I for one welcome heartily and unreservedly the proposals of the present Home Secretary, and sincerely hope that those proposals wi part and parcel of our penal admintration. No Proners Aid Society can help such men, and those of us who are behind the scenes know perfectly that no Proners Aid Society tries to help them. They naturally prefer more plastic material to work upon.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

确保您的腕表服帖戴在手腕 . 这样能改善上链系统的效率,能进一步避免您金属表带链节的过早磨损。避免在同一手腕上佩戴多枚腕表或珠宝饰品,因为会在碗表和金属表带链节上造成划痕。

保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


保养腕表秘诀 4 真皮表带


保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
