




德宏原装把头雅克德罗Once again the peddler intervened, as he sat behind Geoffrey.

My lord, my lord, he said in an agitated voice, we must be gone, or we shall likewe perh.

We cannot pass the gueux, said Geoffrey, and I cannot return to the camp what third course there

Here the entrance into the woods.

My lord, said the man, you saved my life, will you trust yours to me I know every pathway of these woods, I can take you by a safe road to Busigney if you will take me as your guide the bypath enters the woods just below here, and once at Busigney you are on the main road again.

For a minute Geoffrey consulted with h comrades, then he turned to the peddler.

You seem to be an honest man, we will trust you, he said. Lead on, we accept your services as guide.

The party retraced their steps for about a hundred yards.

Here the entrance into the woods, said the peddler, as a leafy avenue dimly dclosed itself on the left side of the road.

They turned into it, and now they were gently and noelessly traversing the woods by a smoothly turfed trackway.

To the right, cried the peddler, as they came to a crossway, and Geoffrey perceived that they were now riding in a parallel track to the road they had quitted.

The roar of battle had quieted down, but the wind brought to their ears the exultant shouts of the gueux, the victors in the deadly strife.

From time to time some dark body would rush across the track or dive into the forest, once indeed a musket-shot was fired at them randomly. These were marauders hastening to the scene of conflict, eager to participate in the spoils.

We must ride quicker, said Geoffrey soon the gueux will know of our presence and we shall be pursued.

Beware, said the peddler in reply, sometimes there are fallen trees across the track. We rejoin the main road in a few minutes.

Geoffrey saw the wdom of th advice, and they rode stealthily forward.

Presently they emerged into a clearing and, to their joy, saw the great military road in front of them. Once upon it they put their horses to their fullest speed, there were no further barricades to dread, the peddler told them.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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