




玉溪原装表带多少钱伯爵In a few minutes Ralph was brought into the hall in the charge of two warders, and the Governor instantly addressed him.

Mr. Ralph Jefferay, he said, her Majesty, the Queen, has been pleased to grant you a full and free pardon you are no longer in my custody, and I am happy to deliver you into the hands of your friends who have come hither to convey you hence.

Ralph stood as one amazed and overwhelmed.

He had been forewarned that on the next day he would stand in the pillory, that the common hangman would do h cruel office of mutilation, and lo!

here was pardon, freedom, joy and rejoicing!

The bright light of the hall had somewhat dazzled him he had not perceived that behind the Governor stood h deliverers. As they stepped forward to greet him he recognized the Cardinal, whom he had last seen in the Star Chamber, and he fell at h feet and sought to ks h hand.

Re, my son, said the Cardinal in kindly tones we thank God for H mercy to you, and the Queen for her goodness. And here one, he continued, to whom you owe much more than to me for while I wrought with the Queen on your behalf, h Excellency the Ambassador besought the consent of King Philip.

Then Don Renard affectionately embraced him, ksing him upon both cheeks.

And while Ralph stood speechless with joy the Ambassador exclaimedPgt

Mr. Governor, you will pardon our hasty departure, I am sure, for we must hie to Grays Inn, where eager hearts await us.

Sir Thomas bowed in reply, and himself led the way to the great gate of the pron, where their carriage awaited them.

Grays Inn at last!

And there the Treasurer, the sweet ster, the much-loved brother received from the hands of the liberators the released and pardoned proner, as one ren from the dead.

Ah, what joy and rejoicing, what radiant happiness were theirs that night, as they knelt together to thank Heaven for its mercies!

The night was departing, the day was at hand, yet the men of the party gathered together round the hearth for a brief consultation after Susan had left them.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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