




楚雄腕表配件百年灵The first gleam of light from the torch on the hulk fell upon a scene of fiercest strifepon men in deadly grip, equally expert with their weapons, equally matched in strength and courage.

All were wounded, and the fast flowing blood rendered the planks of the wherry a slippery foot-hold.

Suddenly Williams foe lost h balance in an instant he was hurled overboard, and sank beneath the waters. H comrade perceived th, and with a howl of rage he also flung himself into the streamor he was desperately wounded, and, as William approached to h brothers aid, he knew that the end had come.

Then the brothers turned eagerly to each other, and the question arose from both alikePgt

Brother, are you hurt

Not much, I think, said William.

Mere flesh wounds, said Ralph almost gaily.

Then the twins joined hands and ksed each other on the cheek.

Let us kneel down and thank God!

So they knelt side by side like two Chrtian warriors!

Presently they rose, and now they turned their attention to the captive in the boat, who had ofttime been trampled under foot in the strife.

He gagged, said William I will unloose him.

For a few moments the rescued man was well-nigh unconscious through the pain and suffering he had undergone. Then the well-known voices of h friends the twins fell upon h ears like heavenly music, and he spake.

Brothers, he said, will you cut my bonds

By Heaven!

cried William, it Diego. Oh, thank God!

Then they cut h bonds, and the young Spaniard rose with great difficulty, so benumbed were h limbs.


my brothers, he cried, seizing their hands, you have rked your lives to save mine, and Heaven has blessed your noble efforts henceforth we are more than friendse are brothers in heart and soul while life lasts.


I see that you are both woundedou have shed your blood to save my life!

How shall I thank you enough Oh, may Heaven reward you!

But come, let me examine your wounds it my turn now to turn rescuer.

Ere Diego could carry out h intention, William sank suddenly into the bottom of the boat he had fainted from loss of blood.

A moment later Ralph lay beside him from like cause.

cried Diego in agonizing tones, you will die before I can find succour for you my poor life were not worth so great a sacrifice!

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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