




文山维修保养柏莱士All saw the wdom of th, and Sir Philip Broke, noting the flush of hope in Sir Johns face, whpered to himPgt

You have newsomething to cheer our hearts

To-night you shall know all, I trust, but now depart, I pray you!

Then grasping h hand he shook it warmly.

Farewell for the present, best and truest of friends, he said then turning to William, Follow me, nephew, he said.

All the cloters of Westminster were known to Sir John, and soon, by many an ancient and devious way, the two were in the Abbey.

Ah, how its glorious quietude contrasted with the scene in the Star Chamber, with the tumult of the streets!

A strange peace took possession of Sir Johns soul as he gazed into the semi-darkness of the Chapel of King Edward the Confessor, where, over the altar, gleamed a dull red light.

Sir John was no Romantay, he was a somewhat ardent follower of Luther!

But it was no hour to think upon mysteries and niceties.

Come with me, my dear nephew, he said.

And under h guidance William in a moment found himself kneeling by h uncles side in front of the glorious altar of King Edwards Chapel. Long they knelt in fervent prayer, commending the condemned proner to the mercy of Almighty God, and beseeching H blessing on the steps they were taking on h behalf.

Then, comforted and refreshed, they rose and made their way towards Whitehall and Grays Inn.


It was past mid-day when Sir John and William reached Grays Inn, and, as their footsteps reached the ears of the watchful and anxious Susan, she flew down-stairs to meet them.

Already the fatal news had reached the girls ears, but she was far too prudent a housewife and too loving a niece and ster to show her grief to men who had not dined, who were probably well-nigh spent with anxiety and need of bodily refreshment.

Therefore, without a word, Susan led the way into the dining-room, where food and wine had been prepared through her loving care.

Then, dmsing the servants, she saidPgt

I myself have dined, now let me wait on you. Do not speak, my dear uncle alas, I know all, and presently we will confer together but now refresh yourself, for I see indeed that you need it.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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