




楚雄手表 售后服务尊皇The summons to Whitehall had arrived, as the envoys told Sir John when they had interviewed the messenger.

Go, my boys, go, but remember my advice, said Sir John, as the family gathering came to an end.

The journey to Whitehall was soon accomplhed. The Royal Palace was shrouded in gloom it was but dimly lit up, for it was not a guest night.


guest nights were rare events now that the Queen lay ill in fact, she had withdrawn herself from almost all public functions.

The Palace was strongly guarded, and ere the young soldiers could gain admittance the officer on duty demanded the password.

It had been communicated to them by the messenger, and, strange to say, the word for the night was St. Quentin.

Their business being ascertained, they were immediately conducted to the private room occupied by the Cardinal when he was at Whitehall, and soon they were ushered into h presence.

He was busily engaged in writing despatches at a side-table lit by wax candles, nor did he lay aside h work till the documents were signed and sealed then he turned round and faced h vitors.

He was clad in a plain purple cassock, the only sign of h exalted rank. H handsome face was wan and pale. Alas!

h health was fast failing, as all men knew.

Welcome, my sons, he said the Queen anxiously awaiting your arrival, though the hour grows late we will go to her at once, and ring he led the way to the royal apartments.

corridors and chambers were traversed they were quite empty save for the halberdiers who kept guard in the palace.

Stay here a moment, said the Cardinal in a low voice, as they reached a richly furnhed ante-chamber, at the end of which rich curtains hung.

Through these the Cardinal passed a minute later he rejoined the envoys, sayingPgt

Her Majesty will see you, weary as she in mind and body follow me.

They entered Queen Marys boudoir, the two ladies-in-waiting leaving the room on the Cardinals signal.

Mary was reclining on a soft couch she rose to a sitting posture as she saw the young men, and graciously extended her hand, which they ksed as they fell on one knee.

She was very pale, and there were marks of acute suffering in her drawn and wasted face.

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