




怒江哪里卖手表电池美度William was deeply moved, and he sighed audibly.

It bodes great trouble for England, he said in a troubled voice. It may be that the fires of Smithfield will be rekindled as in the worst days of King Henry yet I believe that the Reformation has taken a deep hold upon the country the Church may bend before a fierce storm of persecution, but she winhe will re again!

I, for one, would rather die than bow my knees to Baal, as represented to me by the Papacy and, thank God, there are thousands of men of like mind with me in Sus!

As William pronounced these words in tones that quivered with emotion, h brother cht him by the hand, and shaking it warmly, he criedPgt

I know your stedfastness, brother, and I agree with you with all my heart and soulet I pray that God may spare us the trial of our faith!

But hark!

I hear an approaching horseman I expect it my man Roger, who bringing us the latest news from town.

A few minutes later the groom appeared on the lawn, bearing letters in h hand.

Sir John took them from him then, turning to h brother, he saidPgt

Let us go indoors these letters are from my secretary, and we will read them at once they must be of importance, or they would not have followed me so soon.

Entering the house the gentlemen made their way to the library comfortable room, well lighted with wax candles, and furnhed with numerous settees and easy-chairs.

Sir John sat down and eagerly opened h despatches.

It Tremayne who writes, he said. I will read h letter to you it as followsPgt

The Council met to-day, and the deed of which you wot was signed and sealedll the members consenting thereto. The Archbhop hesitated to the last, but H Grace of Northumberland would not be withstoodnd so all signed. I hear that the King sinking fast. From your chambers in Grays Inn, June J. W. Tremayne

The brothers looked at each other with pallid faces.

So the letters patent are sued, said Sir John, and the irrevocable step taken!

Domine, dirige nos!

It the beginning of strife of which no man can see the sue. Northumberland relies on aid from France the Lady Mary places her hope on the Emperor. I bethink me of our blessed Lords words These things are the beginning of sorrows!

Then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to th time, no nor ever shall be. And alas!

for the poor young King, he hath none to comfort him he tasting of that unutterable loneliness that surrounds a throne!

I think the end of h troubles nigh at handnd then the great strife will begin!

But the hour growing late, William, said Sir John, and I hear Susans pretty voice below she singing one of those songs I love so well let us join the young people, I have seen little of them to-night.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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