




昭通哪里卖表带积家Tell me, your excellency, he said in a low voice, how will your royal master view the proceedings of th day

Somewhat bitterly, I fear, replied Don Renard. It was only yesterday that he expressed to me h amazement that a royal officer could be so treated as was our friend the Pursuivant. He was eager to see the perpetrator of the assault brought to condign punhment.

In our own land, he said to me, we should have broken the mcreant upon the wheel without judge or jury but these landers are so phlegmatic, and stand so much on forms and ceremonies.

You must pardon King Philip, my friend, for h outspokenness it true that the customs of Spain and England differ considerably.

Yes, replied Sir Philip dryly, and I thank God for it.

Whereat the Spanh Ambassador smiled grimly.

Presently he spoke again to the Master of the Rolls. He had been attentively watching the twin brothers, who sat at the table side by side.

By St. Iago, he said in a low voice, I have been looking at the twin brothers for the last five minutes, and at th moment I cannot tell you which William and which Ralph I do not think that the world contains another so perfect example of the Dioscuroi no man could tell them apart.

Sir Philip shivered inwardly at these words, and he thought within himselfPgt

Does our friendly Ambassador begin to suspect the legal trick by which our case was won If so, the sooner we get Ralph across the water the better.

At that moment h eye fell upon Don Diego, who sat next to Susan, with whom he was holding eager dcourse.

No, no, thought he, no harm can come to our twins from that quarter he can never forget the noble daring that saved h sons life.

As a rule no sound from the outside world ever penetrated the stillness of the dining-hall of Grays Inn, yet to the watchful ears of some who sat at that festive table it seemed as if armed men were in movement in the great courtyard.

No word of command, no treading of iron-girt men, no clash of arms, but only a dull sense of approaching danger!

Suddenly Sir Johns major-domo entered the hall and passed rapidly to h masters side as he sat at the head of the table.

Sir John noted not that the mans face was ghastly pale, nor that h terror-stricken tongue could scarce find utterance for h words.

He stooped towards Sir John, and in low tones saidPgt

Sir John, the Deputy Sheriff outside the halln the staircase.

Sir John started.

it not the Sheriff he said we expected him as a guest to-day.

A dead silence had fallen in the hall, the guests were ltening eagerly.

No, Sir John, it Mr. Deputy Sheriff, replied the major-domo.

Bid him enter, said h master.

He not alone, Sir John he has halberdiers with him.

Sir John rose, as he said againPgt

Bid him enter!

The trembling servant obeyed, and, proceeding to the end of the Hall, threw open the great folding doors.

All the guests had now ren to their feet all knew that some catastrophe was at hand.

The men looked stern, and, for the most part, undaunted but from the many ladies present came the sound of choking sobs and subdued cries.

The Deputy Sheriff had entered, and with him came a posse of halberdiers in full armour.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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