




西双版纳表维修售后电话萧邦But Captain Lascelles arriving at th moment ordered the gate to be opened and the man to be brought before him, and th was quickly done.

And now, my man, tell me your wondrous news, said Captain Lascelles incredulously.

For your ears alone, Captain, I beg of you, replied the sailor, and the pair stepped apart. I come from Sandgate to-night and the place full of armed men, they are occupying all the roads, and when to-morrow dawns you will find Cala invested on all sides by a French army.

Are you sober, my man asked the Captain, as he threw the light of a lantern on h features.

Oh, Captain, it Gods truth, said the sailor, and I can tell you even more. I mixed with some of these men, and in the darkness they did not dcover that I was a foe. They told me that they were the advanced corps of a great army under the Dukes of Gue and De Nevers.

Lascelles was convinced, the deep earnestness of the sailor dpelled all doubt from h mind. He called h lieutenant to h side, and in a few words told him the fateful news.

Take six of your best scouts, De Warenne, he said, we must verify the truth of th mans statements, though in good sooth I doubt them not. Be wary and watchful lest you fall into the hands of the enemy when you return come to me at the Castle, I take th man thither at once.

Then he summoned h sergeant and bade him take immediate steps to double the number of guards at all the gates of Cala. Ten minutes later he had reached the Castle, and in reply to h urgent message the Governor gave him instant audience.

Lord Wentworth heard the Captains report with utter incredulity.

We know, he said, that De Nevers marching into Luxembourg, and Gue in Picardy the thing absurd and impossible. It now nearly midnight, and I will not dturb the peace and happiness of my guests, who wiving the Castle. But, meanwhile, warn the whole garron that daybreak must find them under arms, and therewith he rejoined h guests.

The hours of night passed slowly.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

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保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


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保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
