




昭通维修点在哪柏莱士And you are sure that you are able to travel to-morrow said the Vicar.

Yes, I shall take it by easy stagesesting for a night at East Grinstead, and so reaching London on the evening of the second day.

London, said the Vicar then you go to make your report to the Government

No, Mr. Vicar, I have resigned my office of apparitor take up work of another sort in London.

Then, in answer to a look of amazement, perhaps of inquiry, which the man saw depicted on the Vicars countenance, he suddenly seized Mr. Tittletons hand and shook it warmly.


Mr. Vicar, he cried, how could you think it possible that I could again take up the accursed work which brought me hither Do you know that each time that I saw you by my bedside, each time that I felt your cooling hand on my feverh brow, whensoever I ltened to your soothing voice, my whole soul was moved with contrition and remorse. For I came hither on an evil erranday God forgive me!

My report of Chiddingly might have brought about your death warrant. Oh, I thank Heaven that it was destroyed ere the mchief was done!

And as I lay on my sick-bed, I surmed that you must have suspected all th yet you and Mtress Susan watched over me with unwearied tenderness and patienceou snatched me from the jaws of death!

And the thought of all th broke my hard heart!

Now I wh you adieu, my dear Vicar but ere I go, let me leave with you a word of counsel. It known to me that dangerous reports of you have reached London, and though I abandon the office of apparitor another will take it up, and your life may be in danger. Therefore, I beseech you to take refuge abroad, as so many of your brethren have done. Soon the clouds may roll by, but for the present hour of stress and trouble seek safety in flight, I beseech you.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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