




昭通手表维修昆仑A fortnight had passed since the warrant had been duly served by the Sheriff, and for the past three days William had been an inmate of the Fleet pron.

The boys had rapidly regained their health, though William still carried h arm in a bandage, and the pallor of h handsome face showed the stress through which he had passed.

As soon as the state of their health had permitted it, their uncle had revealed to them the dangerous position in which William stood.

As Susan had surmed, the brothers had no secrets, and Ralphs adventure in the Chiddingly woods was well known to William.

But to both of them the news that William, and not Ralph, was deemed the culprit, was a matter of profound amazement, and, on Ralphs part, of intense indignation.

Oh, uncle, he cried, th may not be!

Mine was the folly, if folly it was, and on my head must fall the consequences, be they what they may!

An approving smile lit up Sir Johns noble and dignified face as he repliedPgt

I knew that would be your first thought, and you may yet have to pay the penalty of your wild freakeaven only knows!

But in th mtake of identity lies, perhaps, the path of safety, and the Master of the Rolls agrees with me that it our west course to let the matter proceed.

With great reluctance Ralph consented, with the assurance of h uncle that if ht went ams, and William was not acquitted, the whole truth should be told.

Three days later the Sheriff appeared at Grays Inn with much ceremony, and Ralph saw h brother carried off a proner to the Fleet.

It was the first moment of real anguh in h young life, and but for the sweet influence of h ster, Ralph would have then proclaimed himself the offender and demanded the release of h brother.

From the library window Ralph and Susan had seen the departure of William under the escort of the Sheriffs guard, and the boys pale face was wrung with so intense an agony that Susans fears were strongly aroused.

Oh, Ralph, she cried, for the love of God do nothing rashly, bring not your uncles plans to confusion have faith that all will come right in Heavens good time.

She laid her hand upon h shoulder and drew him lovingly towards her, seeing that he was irresolute.

Have you no pity for me she said. Think you that I do not suffer with you, and with our beloved uncle also

A moment more, and the cr was past the proner and h escort had moved out of sight, and Ralph sank exhausted upon a couch h barely recovered strength had failed him.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
