




玉溪手表为什么走着就慢了帝舵Meanwhile the cause the Ambassador had at heart had progressed elsewhere.

Mary was always strictly attentive to her religious duties, and, at the accustomed hour, she had gone to in the Chapel Royal, many of the courtiers accompanying her thither.

At the conclusion of the short service she retired to her boudoir, dmsing her Court for the night.

The Cardinal still knelt in the Chapel, until an usher came to summon him to the Queens presence. He rose and followed him.

The Queen had laid aside some of her heavy State robes, and her diamonds no longer gltened on her head and neck. She was clad in a rich suit of black velvet, her favourite attire.

As the Cardinal entered she knelt before him.

Your blessing, father, she said.

Then she rose, and in h turn the Prelate knelt and ksed her hand.

She motioned him to a seat.

Behind her stood two ladies-in-waiting. Pointing to them the Queen saidPgt

Shall my ladies leave us It shall be as you wh.

Pole hesitated for a moment.

He had a difficult and delicate cause to plead, he felt that he might be pitting the Queen against her husband if the Ambassador, on h part, failed to influence Philip.

It may be advable, your Majesty, he said, and thereupon the Queen motioned to the ladies to withdraw.

They were alone, and Reginald lifted up h heart to God for Divine guidance.

Madam, he said, the hour grows late and you are weary, I will be very brief in what I have to say.

Nay, said the Queen, nay, my Lord Cardinal and good cousin, the hour matters not and your voice brings comfort to my soul!

Speak all that your heart bids you say, I lten.

Then the Cardinal addressed himself to h task.

I come, madam, on a matter of life and death, on behalf of one who was tried and condemned in the Court of the Star Chamber to-dayy name Ralph Jefferay. The youth was found guilty of conspiracy, yet am I sure that, though he may be guilty on th charge in a strictly legal sense, yet he absolutely innocent morally s royal person he at heart, that when the cruel sentence was pronounced, he cried out in loud tonesGod save the Queen!

The poor youths offence one of assault and nothing more, let me tell you briefly the circumstances of the case.

Then the Cardinal rapidly recounted the epode of the Chiddingly woods.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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