




昭通维修手表地址雅克德罗A strong Spanh garron was placed in possession of St. Quentin the remainder of the army was under orders to prepare for instant and active service.

The neiouring towns of Picardy, Catelet, Ham, and Chanley were to be besieged forthwith, and the camp was full of zeal and animationor surely fresh spoils awaited the soldiers of Philip, and bright vions of glory and honour filled the minds of the chieftains. In the Englh camp alone these feelings held no sway. The war had never been popular with themhey felt that they were fighting the battles of King Philip, and not those of their own country.

And now that the main object of the expedition had been won, and the chief town in Picardy captured, the Englh contingent were eager to return home.

In the evening of a fine September day Lord Clintons three aides-de-camp were reposing in their tent after a days active exertion.

That day a courier had brought them letters from England, and the young men were eagerly dcussing home news.

Susan had written to each of them, for she had much to tell.

The fires of Smithfield had burst forth anew, to the horror of the people and the grief of all good men. That very day three victims had perhed, and the Queens guards had scarce prevented the London people from attempting forcible rescue.

One condemned man had been pardoned by the Cardinal Archbhop, and many were said to have been freed by him after brief examination and apparent but doubtful submsion.

Rumours were afloat in London, Susan said, that the Cardinal had fallen out of favour at Rome, and that the Pope (Paul IV) had deprived him of h legatine commsion and had recalled him to Rome. The Archbhop was in bad health, and on th plea the Queen had refused to give him permsion to leave the country.

These things brought great unhappiness to the Queen, and added to them was the increasing malignity of her dorderhe was evidently sinking into the gravend there was none to pity her!

Alas, poor Queen, wrote Susan, unloved by her people, deserted by her husband, worried by the Pope, and conscious, above all, that she had failed in the one object of her life, and that her successor, the Princess Elizabeth, would undo all her work for the conversion of England.

Yet Susan had some good news to tell them.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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