




昭通表保养维修雅典In half-an-hour they were in the little town of Busigney, a town held to be neutral by both the contending armies, for it was the patrimony of Mary the Duchess of Burdy, now the Regent of the Netherlands for Philip. In a few minutes they had drawn up in front of a little hotel, LEperon dOr, and the peddler, dmounting, entered the house. He quickly returned, accompanied by the maitre dhotel.

Here, my lord, he said to Geoffrey, you can refresh your horses and yourselves also, if you need it, yet I urge you to remember that your foes are near, therefore you may not tarry long.

We owe you a thousand thanks, said Geoffrey. Will you not take refreshment with us

Nay, my lord, it well-nigh midnight, and I must seek a chirurgeon th night to set my wounded hand in order.


I had forgotten your grievous hurt, said Geoffrey. You are a brave and gallant man, Mr. Peddler, may I not add a little golden salve to the remedy and he produced h purse.

Nay, nay, my lord, said the man quickly, you have already given me my reward, it was a life for a life!

And forthwith he left them.


The horsemen needed but little time wherein to refresh themselves and their horses. The aubergte, at Geoffreys command, brought forth h best wine for the gentlemen, and h ostlers produced corn and water for the horses. In half-an-hour the order to remount was given, and soon the party was trotting quietly through the cobbled streets of Busigney.

Their next halting-place would be Mons in two hours time they would be out of French territory.

Clear of the town they put their horses to a hand-gallop, and once more the devastation of war became evident. All was ruin and desolation in th once fertile region, there seemed to be nothing left by the cruel marauding hands of men!

The villages and hamlets still smouldered, and the air was reeking with pungent smoke but there were no inhabitants, all had fled from the neiourhood of the great military highway.

Yet Geoffrey and h companions relaxed nothing of their keen vigilance. Robin rode ahead and Hal in the rear as before.

On, on, through the night!

The stars shone brilliantly, not a cloud flecked the sky. Ill-omened blotches of red light on the horizon marked where the gueux were still at their evil work, but even these grew fewer as the small hours of the morning passed and the travellers were reaching Flemh territory.

All at once the advance-guard dropped back upon them. He reported that a crowd of men were approaching they were not in military order, but they were occupying the whole road.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

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保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


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保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
