




文山机械表走的快怎么办万宝龙Don Renard comes hither at mid-day, said Sir John, and he brings with him Lord Clinton, who happens to be in London. I fear that th portends that the conditions upon which Ralph obtained h freedom are to be fulfilled at once.

I heard to-day that King Philip has commenced h campaign against the French King, and the Englh contingent are assembling at Dover.

I would Geoffrey de Fynes were here h man-servant has arrived with the news that h masters departure from Lewes was delayed, but that he would follow him in a few hours. Perhaps we assumed h consent to join you two boys too readily but we shall soon knowe may be here to breakfast.

Have no fear on that score, dear uncle, replied Ralph he will tell you himself, as he has often told me, that he longs to see military service.

Then a final good-night was said, and the men betook themselves to rest.

When William and Ralph entered the breakfast room at a somewhat later hour than usual, they were overjoyed to see Geoffrey de Fynes already at table he had ridden up to London that day. Very hearty were the greetings which passed between the young men. How much they had to tell each other!

De Fynes was the eldest of the trio, being twenty years of age. He was of moderate height, h strong limbs were finely proportioned, h clear-cut features exhibited all the manly grace which seemed to be hereditary in the noble family of the Dacres, of which he was the sole male representative. He had not heard the great news that he was to accompany the brothers to France. He was of a race of warriors, and now the passionate longings of h heart were to be fulfilled!

God save the Queen!

he cried, as he leapt from h seat and flung h cap in the air.

Then he grasped the brothers hands and shook them heartily they would be h brothers-in-arms now, and ere long, please God, they would be united by a yet closer tie!

That last thought was very opportune, for at that moment Susan entered the room and the lovers fondly embraced.

I heard your voice as I was waiting on Sir John in the library, and I hastened thither, she said. Now tell me, I pray you, the cause of all th uproarious joy

Geoffrey hung h head he had come to London to ask for Susans hand in marriage, and now he was rejoicing at the news that he was off to the wars!

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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