




曲靖保养方法伯爵Farewell for the present, dear Ralph keep a brave heart and good courage. Trust in God!

Esperez toujours, toujours esperez!

Williams turn came next. Ah, what a parting was th!

Undying love sat in their eyes as they ksed each other, and William saidPgt

Would God I had died for thee, my brother!

And last of all came Susan, her sweet face suffused with tears and her grief so great that she was voiceless as she embraced her brother and ksed h lips again and again.

Many of the guests then crowded round, each with a loving word to comfort and console.

Then the Deputy Sheriff gave the signal, h men closed round the proner, and in a moment the march began which was to end in the Fleet pron.

When the Sheriffs posse had left the hall, and the doors were closed, a great silence fell upon the assembled guests all looked upon Sir John, who, in reply to their questioning gaze, spoke briefly with agitated voice.

My friends, said he, a great trouble has fallen upon my house I am smitten and afflicted, yet do I not despair!

I will not dgue to you the terrible fact that my nephew Ralph has committed a crime against the laws of h country, and I know that to-morrow, when he will stand h trial in the Court of the Star Chamber, he will plead guilty.

Yet the deed he committed was but a boyh freak, and no blood was shed by him or h fellows. But in the eyes of the law it was conspiracy, and the penalty may be impronment, with a heavy fine, or even the pillory and mutilation.

At these words a shudder ran through the throng, and some of the ladies wept uncontrollably.

The mens faces were sternly set, they maintained a rigid silence.

Then Sir John spoke again.

Yet I do not despair, and I lift mine eyes unto the hills, to God, from whom cometh my hope. And we have many friends, powerful both in the Court and in the city. No, I cannot, and will not, despair, so help me God!

There was something inexpressibly solemn and noble in Sir Johns utterance and manner h fine face was full of anguh, but h heart quailed not.

Then came a sudden interruption the Spanh Ambassador asked permsion to speak, and all strained forward to hear what Don Renard had to say.

Sir John and friends all, he began in low tones but with dtinct utterance, it known to you that the twin brothers have a special claim on my sympathy and can command whatsoever aid I can give them in their hour of need but for their noble courage I should have been a childless man th day!

The proceedings in the Star Chamber to-morrow will pref, for the accused will admit h guilt the result certain heavy sentence.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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