




红河表走慢维修依波路Indeed, so far have we progressed in th direction, and so far does the politeness of the Force extend, that when giving evidence against a woman of the worst possible character an officer will refer to her as the lady, not as the proner. Sometimes, as I have already hinted, the magtrate intervenes at th point, and tries to preserve some of the last shreds of respectability that still attach to the once-honoured word.

[Pg 24]

Here again one might speculate as to what has produced th change, and ask whether the development of obscene language has anything to do with the abandonment of the words woman and female. Personally, I am inclined to believe that it has. What did he say peremptorily asked an irate magtrate of a young and modest constable. Your Worship, the words were so bad that I dont like to repeat them. Write them down, then. The officer did so. Well, they are pretty bad, but you will soon get used to them. They dont shock me, for I hear them all the day, and every day. The magtrate was correct, and, more the pity, h words are true. The old oaths were far less dgusting and far less demoralizing. The invocation of the Deity, either for confirmation of speech or for a curse upon others, argued some belief in God, which belief has probably suffered decay even among the coarse and ignorant. Still, if police-court habitu茅s and their friends continue to embellh their speech with obscenity, then their last state will be worse than their first. Likely enough, th fashion in speech has much to do with the substitution of the word lady and the abandonment of the word woman. It may be, after all, only a clumsy attempt to speak courteously, without casting any imputation on the moral character of the person referred to. That, however, the only redeeming feature I can find in the matter, which altogether too bad for words. I only refer to the subject because I wh to be a faithful witness, and these changes cannot be ignored, for they are full of grave portent.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


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