




临沧维修去哪里江诗丹顿Sir John nodded assent, and a few moments later he heard the steps of h vitors as they ascended the stairs to the library.

Hastening to the top of the staircase the Treasurer met h dtinguhed vitors with deep obeance.

But the Ambassador was evidently in no mood to stand upon points of ceremony.

Hurrying forward, with extended hands, he warmly saluted the Treasurer, yet the anxiety which had prompted th early morning call found immediate utterance in the first words he spoke.

Your boys, Mr. Treasurer, are they doing well

Dr. Barnes has just left them, your Excellency, and h report altogether favourable they have many serious flesh wounds, yet, by the mercy of God, no vital injury has been inflicted and, if nothing unforeseen occurs, they will make a rapid recovery to health.

They are noble boys!

cried the Ambassador, with enthusiasm. They saved my sons life at the peril of their own, and with a manly daring which moves all men to admiration. London ringing with their praes to-day they are the heroes of the hour!

Then Don Diego intervened with an eager request that he might vit the sick-room.

It may not be, young sir, said Sir John. You know they have a masterful young nurse in Mtress Susan Jefferay, and I myself have just been refused an interview with the boys by their stern guardian they are to be kept in absolute quiet, she says, or Dr. Barnes will not answer for the consequences.

So the vitors took their departure, Diego obtaining permsion to return to Grays Inn in the evening.

Throughout that day vitors poured in at the Treasurers lodgings with eager inquiries respecting the lads whose deed of daring had become public property from the moment when the Queens guardship came to their rescue.

To many of these vitors the lads were unknown personally, though their handsome faces and strongly knit bodies had attracted much observation in Grays Inn and its neiourhood.

But Sir John was one of the leading men of the day not only was he known to be a great lawyer, but he sat in Queen Marys Parliament as a member for the City of London, and was fast becoming a strong leader among the members of the House who were silently ranging themselves as partans of the young Princess Elizabeth.

In the evening the young Spaniard, Don Diego, returned to the Inn, and he brought news with him which Susan promed to impart to her brothers at the earliest possible moment.

Diego had gone down the Thames that morning on board a guardship in the hope of dcovering the hulk to which h captors would have taken him, but h efforts had been useless.

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