




红河手表表盖进水了宝格丽The ill-omened vitor attended the simple services of the parh church, and took copious notes of the Vicars sermon, to the dmay of the rustics of Chiddingly.

The fires of Lewes in the month of June th year had excited their fierce animosity, and the appearance of the apparitor in their midst gave birth to a sudden outburst of wrath.

It was at the close of a lovely day in July Sundayhen their anger found vent.

They had marked the presence of a stranger at the morning service stern-looking, middle-aged man, garbed in black, and as they came out of church the men gathered in groups to dcuss the object and purpose of h vit.

The man was sojourning at the village inn (the Six Bells), and thither he was allowed for the present to retire unmolested, although a strict watch was at once instituted upon h doings.

In the afternoon the vitor again attended service, and an ominous murmur among the rustics became dtinctly audible as they observed that he was again busily taking notes of all that he saw and heard.

The service over, the man left the church with the intention of proceeding to the inn, where h horse was stabled but he was not to be allowed to leave the village thus quietly.

Hard by the church was the horse-pondt th period of the year about half full of dark slimy water in the centre of the pond the depth would be about four or five feet.

Suddenly the vitor found himself surrounded by a band of determined, angry-looking Sus men.

What does th mean he asked sternly. Do you men know that I am about the Queens business

Aye, we thought as much, and thats about the reason of it all, answered the spokesman of the rustics. Gie us them papers which we saw thee so busy with in the church instead of minding thy prayers!

Gie us theme see them sticking out of thy pocket, and we means to have themr it will be the worse for thee!


snarled the man, without quailing before the coming storm, fools!

do you not know that it a hanging matter to lay a hand on me

Its very likely, said the bold rustic but it strikes me some one else will be hung, or drownded, before any of us are sent to join the Lewes martyrs.

The angry group was now just beside the horse-pondnd each moment it grew more excited and threatening. Suddenly a voice criedPgt

Hes fond of fire, lets see how water suits him!

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

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保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


保养腕表秘诀 4 真皮表带


保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
