




曲靖表维修服务中心真力时Let us hear the witnesses, said Lord Arundel, and thereupon the Pursuivant arose behind him stood h asstants.

There was something vindictive and threatening in the attitude and voice of the Pursuivant note of triumph rang out with h words.

He felt sure of h case, and positively sure of the identity of the accused with h assailant in the woods of Chiddingly.

In slow and measured terms the Pursuivant gave h evidence, telling the tale of the assault in the woods in full detail.

H two halberdiers, as witnesses of the attack upon the Queens officer, bore testimony to the truth of the charge made against the proner.

The Court was but thinly attended the general public cin admsion by invitation, and th was rarely accorded.

Yet among those present were manyven in the rank of the ust judgesho knew something of young Jefferay and had heard of h recent deed of daring on the Thames.

Among these a deep feeling of dmay and commeration arose, so clear and undeniable appeared the evidence of the young proners folly already they seemed to see the executioner clipping the ears and slitting the nose of h victim!

It was at th critical moment that the Cardinal again turned towards the Chancellor and whpered something in h ear Lord Arundel nodded assent to h suggestion.

Cardinal Pole thereupon addressed the Court. The Cardinals voice was soft and musical he spoke in low and gentle terms, yet was he dtinctly audible even to the furthest extremity of that great hall.

There a mystery in th case, he said, and it does not lie upon the surface. Some of us are not convinced as to the identity of the accused, notwithstanding the evidence of the Queens officers. By permsion of the Lord Chancellor I call upon the Treasurer of Grays Inn, Sir John Jefferay, and the Master of the Rolls, Sir Philip Broke, to give evidence upon th vital point.

An excited murmur passed among the audience as Sir John Jefferay, in obedience to th command, rose in h place and proceeded to the witness-box, and addressing the Court, saidPgt

With your permsion, my Lords, I will first ask for the date and the hour of the alleged assault.Much marvelling, the Pursuivant rose and said in replyPgt

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