




德宏机械表怎么保养欧米茄It was doubtless in accordance with the fitness of things that I should retire from the work when I did, for I am getting old, and dead officialm might have crept upon me, and whatever power for good I may have might have been atrophied. Of such a fate I always felt afraid mercifully from such a fate I was prevented or delivered.

Still, I sorrowed till time lightened the sense of loss. By-and-by new interests arose, new duties claimed me, and other phases of life interested me. Four years have now lapsed, a length of time that allows sufficient perspective, and enables me to calmly take stock of the twenty-one years I spent in London police-courts. I do not in th chapter, or in th book, intend to review the whole of those years, but I do hope to make some comparons of the things of to-day with those of twenty-one years ago.

The comparons will, I trust, be encouraging, and show that we have progressed in a right direction, and that we are all still progressing. Two days of those years will remain ever with mehe day I entered on my work and the day I gave it up.

Of the latter I will not speak but as the former opened my eyes to wonders of humanity, and humanity being of all wonders the greatest, I have something to say.

[Pg 3]

The conditions at London police-courts in those days were bad, past conception. No words of mine can adequately describe them, and only for the sake of comparon and encouragement do I attempt briefly to portray some of the most striking features of those days. Even now I feel faint when I recall the proners waiting-room, with its dirty floor, its greasy walls, and its vile atmosphere.

The sanitary arrangements were dgusting. There was no female attendant to be found on the premes.

Strong benches attached to the walls provided the only seats neither was there separation of the es. In th room old and young, pure and impure, clean and verminous, sane and insane, awaited their turn to appear before the magtrate for the insane in those days were brought by local authorities that the magtrate might certify them, and they sat, too, amongst the waiting proners.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

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保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


保养腕表秘诀 4 真皮表带


保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
