




昭通表维修店格拉苏蒂Yes, it was a bit of luck. A large sum of money was collected for him by the public. H praes were duly sung in the Press, h debts were paid, and h wife sent for a time to a convalescent home. He might have made headway in the Force, but he was no scholar. I went sometimes to give him lessons in arithmetic, spelling, etc., but it was of no use. He wanted to catch more thieves, and sometimes made the terrible mtake of arresting an innocent person. The last time I saw him he told me that h wife was no better, but that she had had another child.

N singular mtake occurred in[Pg 44] North London. Burglars had infested a respectable road for some time. An attempt to enter had evidently been made at one house without success, for they had left jemmy-marks upon the door, but did not enter. The police resolved to watch th house from the outside. The owner and h stalwart son resolved to watch inside, but neither communicated with the other. At midnight two men were seen by the police to enter the garden and go to the front door, so the constables softly followed and ltened at the door, which was closed. Evidently there was someone inside, so they cautiously opened the door, when suddenly they were set on by two men armed with heavy hammers. A severe blow fell on the shoulder of one of the officers, who responded with a crack on the head with a truncheon, and the man inside fell on the floor. Poor fellow, he was the owner!

The son also got injured, and when the police were about to handcuff him, the affair was explained. Meanwhile the thieves went higher up the road, made a real attempt, and were cht. But the owner of the house lay ill for some days, suffering from concussion of the brain, while the officer was incapacitated from duty for some weeks.

【 悉 心 呵 护 腕 间 时 计 】


保养腕表秘诀 1 定期上链


保养腕表秘诀2 项完美的调整

确保您的腕表服帖戴在手腕 . 这样能改善上链系统的效率,能进一步避免您金属表带链节的过早磨损。避免在同一手腕上佩戴多枚腕表或珠宝饰品,因为会在碗表和金属表带链节上造成划痕。

保养腕表秘诀 3 防水腕表的清洗


保养腕表秘诀 4 真皮表带


保养腕表秘诀 5 定期检与维修
